Price: Price not available
Publisher: Hodder Children's Books
Genre: Novelty
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 14pp
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Sleepy or Not, Mr Croc?
Just right for bedtime, this bright primary-coloured interactive book is full of cut-outs to peep through, flaps to lift and tabs to pull. It is sturdy enough for a young reader to enjoy on their own but more fun when shared as the book’s format is question and answer, engaging the youngster in the tale as Mr Croc prepares for bed. ‘Mr Croc, are you sleepy or not?’ ‘Almost, I’m having my bedtime drink’ – pull the tab and the liquid in the glass disappears. On the final page there’s a wonderful pop-up surprise as Mr Croc at last gets into bed. Another Mr Croc book which will please his admirers.