Price: £4.99
Publisher: Little Tiger Press
Genre: Board Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 20pp
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Smiley Shark
Smiley Shark is a happy, friendly shark. He wants to play with the other animals in the sea, but he frightens them. When the fish get trapped in a net, Smiley Shark comes to the rescue and gains their friendship. The story is perfect for children around three years of age. It is delightfully simple and engaging. The illustrations are bright and perky. The layout is clever and well considered. This board book is an abridged version of the original picture book. I wonder if the board book has made the story even snappier? The text involves rhythm and cleverly introduces animals like pufferfish and catfish to toddlers. Galloway’s sense of humour will have children giggling on your lap as you read. If my two- and four-year-old kids are anything to go by, Galloway is on to a winner.