Price: £16.99
Publisher: Otter-Barry Books
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 64pp
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Stories Of Peace and Kindness for A Better World
Illustrator: Mehrdokht AminiA collection of tales from Elizabeth Laird will always be a treat – a source for the storyteller and a door through which young readers can walk to find distant or perhaps not so distant worlds. Here, Laird presents seven tales from across Africa, the Middle East and Asia; worlds with which she herself is familiar. Each of these traditional tales reflect not just their cultural backgrounds, but also the themes of peace and kindness as highlighted by the title of the book. These are not stories peopled by djinni and driven by magic and enchantment; these are stories grounded in the real world bringing to life real predicaments, peopled by ordinary folk. The tales may reflect the world they come from but the actions and reactions of the protagonists, the situations presented are universal. Laird’s retelling is direct, the storytelling immediately accessible and her text finds the perfect accompaniment in Amini’s illustrations. Filled with the colours of North Africa and the Middle East her lively images populate the pages with characters, interesting perspectives and humour that enhances the subtle humour of the tales themselves. This is a lovely collection to explore – could a more intriguing title add to the attraction?