Price: £12.99
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 400pp
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Storm Thief
Imagine a Diana Wynne Jones adventure written during a prolonged sick headache, and this is the book: gothic sci-fi with all the compelling paranoia of a fever-based fantasy. Within its pages, invisible marauders chase children down tunnels closed off by metalled gates, a corrupt oligarchy rules devoid of any pity and a mutant-Golem with an uncertain temperament plays a deep game. Written at the level of an almost continuous scream, there is much to respect in the sheer determination with which this novel is forced along. It also has some time for love, respect and mercy between the ‘probability storms’ that threaten any occasional hard-earned respite earned by the boy and girl thieves who are the main characters in this story. In an age when a new fantasy story seems to be published every day, this novel is still something different and certainly deserves to be read.