Price: £6.99
Publisher: HarperCollinsChildren’sBooks
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 32pp
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Super Daisy
Illustrator: Zoe WaringDaisy would love to be a princess, with curly locks and beautiful dresses and a crown, and she feels she is one when she wears clothes from her dressing-up box. Playing princess helps her forget some serious unhappiness in her life. She has cancer and must often stay in hospital far from home to have medicine that makes her feel weak and sick. Worst of all, it makes her lose her hair. But then she finds a forgotten very pink, sparkly wig in the dressing up box that whenever she puts it on, turns her into a Superhero! During these imaginative daydreams, she confronts a boy being unkind to animals, a bear who has had a tree fall on him, and a seagull who makes a little girl drop her ice cream. In the hospital, wearing her wig, she knows she has discovered how to be kind, and this is something that supports her through her treatment and gives her hope. Her hair grows back, and all goes well. The wig has done its job, and this story, a true one evidently, is the basis of the Little Princess Trust, a charity that funds and produces wigs for children with cancer and also supports research. It is quite rare to find a book about cancer for young children, and this is a wonderful and positive story with a good outcome. Lots of sugar-pink illustrations will be beloved by little girls.