Price: £12.99
Publisher: Eden Children's Books
Genre: Non Fiction, Novelty
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 12pp
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The Big Green Book
Illustrators: Ian Winton, Piers HarperHere is a device that offers to explain carbon footprints, global warming, and all the rest of the ‘green’ continuum by providing tabs to lift, flaps to pull and pop-ups to pop. And it supplies these in plenty, and plenteous variety, so it should be really good, especially given the authors’ credentials.
There is excellent information stored in this creation and, given an ability to read lots of small print and fiddle with finickety and barely efficient paper engineering, most of it can be found, and, who knows, absorbed. But it needs a lot of patience, and this is what its apparent target audience may not be able to give it. So it will probably end up not as an enduring text but an amusing piece of trivia – that is if the tabs, flaps and pop-ups survive the return journey from Cornwall.