Price: £3.99
Publisher: Happy Cat Books
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 80pp
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The Dead Letter Box
Illustrator: Anna C LeplarThe discovery that your best friend is not really interested in you can be very disappointing and this is what happens to Louie when her best friend Glenda moves away from the area. Glenda does not seem to care about leaving Louie and losing touch with her, but then Louie provides a novel way of keeping in touch: a dead letter box in the local library. How this idea leads to Louie making a new friend is told sympathetically and realistically by Mark whose instinct for the feelings and thoughts of young children is always on target. Although the story takes a while to get off the ground it is worth reading nonetheless – losing and making friends is something that all children experience, and children will certainly find much to identify with in this book.