Price: £11.99
Publisher: We search for any book you like In Chinese, Russian and Spanish Service for Businesses, Individuals, Governments, Universities Any medium you choose, that is available Read, Learn, Research and EnjoyProduct type: ABIS BOOKBrand: Macmillan Children's BooksHardcover Book
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant, 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 32pp
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The Detective Dog
Illustrator: Sara OgilvieA crime has been committed. Who can you call? Why Detective Dog Nell of course, with her keen sense of smell.
Once again Julia Donaldson creates a lively character and an enjoyable storyline all packaged ion her trademark verse. Nell – surely a relation to Hairy Maclary – will delight young readers who will enthusiastically join in with the refrain of ‘Sniff, sniff, sniff’ as Nell follows the trail of the stolen books. Sara Ogilvie’s illustrations add life and a lightness that enhances the movement of the text. This is particularly apparent in the spreads where Nell is on the trail. Here is another illustrator who is able to neatly reflect Donaldson’s jaunty plot with an entirely appropriate style. Another Julia Donaldson to delight her many fans and win new ones over.