Price: £6.99
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children's UK
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 192pp
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The Great Hamster Massacre
Illustrator: Hannah ShawAnna is supposed to be writing a What-I-Did-in-the-Summer-Holidays story for school and she describes just what happened when, against their better judgement, her parents get her and her younger brother a couple of hamsters. Things go well for the children and hamsters at first, but fate intervenes. Were they really two female hamsters? Not so sure about that one, especially when one of them gives birth to eight babies. And who killed the babies just after they were born? Anna’s asides to the reader about her reactions, not to mention those of her best friend next door, are frank and will have readers readily identifying with her plight. As for the record of her investigation into who killed the hamsters – any teacher reading it out aloud should be prepared for plenty of laughter. Davies’ debut novel reveals a fine sense of humour; I will be looking out for further titles from her.