Price: £7.99
Publisher: Puffin
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 96pp
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The Legend of the Worst Boy in the World
Illustrator: Tony RossThe ‘Worst Boy’ of the title is Will, second of a crop of boys in a busy family: so busy that it’s hard for him to have anyone listen to his problems. However Grandpa, a lighthouse-keeper, proves a willing sounding board, always ready to top Will’s stories with one of his own as they polish the lamp. Soon Will realises that problems need to be kept in proportion and that his are not so big after all.
Colfer’s charming ease with language masks the unevenness of the story itself. I found the premise weak, though the problem of not being listened to in a large family can be very real. The main characters and the tales they tell are engaging and fun, but I’m not sure that he proves his point. This is however an easy and attractive read for young readers. Part of the series which started with The Legend of Spud Murphy.