Price: £5.99
Publisher: HarperCollinsChildren’sBooks
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 240pp
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The Peppers and the International Magic Guys
Twins Esme and Monty are spending the summer with their uncle. Not a happy prospect? Far from it; Uncle Potty is a magician with more enthusiasm than expertise; or is that just because he is worried? The International Magic Guys organisation is faced with closure unless its members can really impress the formidable Nigella Spoon. But everything seems to be going wrong – can the twins pull something off?
This is a light, undemanding story ideal for younger readers who have already developed a good level of reading stamina. Full of the type of slapstick enjoyed by children – especially when the subjects are adults – there is the added attraction of magic tricks. Indeed, instructions for a number are interspersed between chapters providing the possibility of actually trying some out! Light on characterisation, the plot races at a farce-like pace which leaves little time for reflection thus ensuring its young audience will be carried along. They will also be reassured by the production – clear font with good spacing, short sentences, an absence of prolonged description and plenty of illustration to break up the text. If this novel is enjoyed it might be a good idea to suggest some Lemony Snicket titles.