Price: £8.99
Publisher: Cadno
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 112pp
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The Ranch at the End of the World
Illustrator: Josephine BirchNell is heading for Last Chance Ranch – Ransh Cyfle Olaf – somewhere in the Welsh mountains; a place for young people who are seen as failures. It is remote, wet, there is no mobile signal – and there are horses you are supposed to relate to. She leaves behind a fractured friendship, a difficult home life, she is one of those pretty broken people sent here for their own good. Will anything change? Gradually Nell finds her expectations and assumptions challenged. And when there is a crisis she finds she can respond and that change need not be disaster but opportunity.
This is a very readable and engaging story that will encourage KS3 readers. Nell, despite her initial anger is a very recognisable teen – a normal young person, emotional and intelligent facing the trauma of friendships that are not what they seem; a situation with which readers will be able to empathise and sympathise. The writing is intelligent and contemporary but not extreme ensuring the engagement that will keep the attention to the end. They will want to know what happens. Pervading the whole is the Welsh landscape, a real place, recognisable – but remote. There is no need for a magic wardrobe to be drawn into this world. The illustrations by Josephine Birch pick up on this providing visual moments that help bring the text alive. Concise, accessible and relevant this could appeal to young teens for whom reading is not always attractive.