Price: £23.15
Publisher: Egmont USA
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 14+ Secondary/Adult
Length: 256pp
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The Scar Boys
This is a fast-paced novel which leaves you hanging on for your seat and reaching for your nearest record collection (or the latest digital equivalent). Set in the 1980s, each chapter takes us on a musical journey with teenagers Harbinger (Harry), Johnny ‘the front man’, ‘femme fatale’ Cheyenne, and Richie, the drummer. These four make up The Scar Boys whose journey on the road will keep you gripped until the bitter end.
The portrayal of Harry – who was struck by lightning as a young child and subsequently severely disfigured – is brilliant. He’s no hero, no villain – just a kid trying to deal with the impact of other people’s prejudice and reactions (expertly summarised on pages 25-26).
The book definitely has bite – teenage angst, friendship, love, desire, and of coming to accept yourself (scars and all). This is a book for any kid on the fringes – and for any adult too.