Price: £6.99
Publisher: Dinosaur Books Ltd
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 128pp
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The Secret Dinosaur: Giants Awake!
Review also includes:
The Secret Dinosaur: Hunter’s Attack!, 978-0992752514
These are the first of a new series of short novels for growing independent readers about a group of dinoteks, battery operated ‘living’ dinosaurs, and Marlin Maxton, the boy who discovers them.
In Giants Awake! (Book 1), Marlin’s Uncle Gus tells him about a mechanical dinosaur at the museum. When his class goes on a school trip to the museum Marlin decides to go looking for the dinosaur and successfully finds a mechanical centrosaurus called Protos. Waking him from a lengthy sleep, Marlin then makes another exciting discovery with Protos’ help; a long forgotten room full of dusty dinoteks or mechanical dinosaurs. During regular visits to the museum Marlin secretly works to restore the dinoteks to their former glory. When he is discovered by Oliver Grubbler the museum manager, Marlin soon finds he and the dinoteks are in danger.
An exciting ride on a Tyrannosaurus is one of the highlights of this action packed adventure. Marlin and the dinoteks work as a team to save the day, at least temporarily. The last chapter indicates the dangers are not over yet.
Hunter’s Attack! (Book 2) opens with a synopsis of the story so far for readers not familiar with the first book in the series. The adventure continues with Marlin seeking help from his uncle to prevent greedy Museum manager Grubbler melting down the dinoteks for scrap metal and reaping the profit. Uncle Gus proves very encouraging and provides practical help too with sandwiches and a battery charger for the dinoteks. The story moves on at a fast pace when a demolition army arrives outside the museum. Fortunately Marlin and the dinoteks escape via a secret tunnel. As the book ends Marlin and the dinoteks are heading to a place of safety, the Jurassic Mountain. To find out what happens next readers will have to read the third book in the series entitled Jurassic Adventure.
The Dinotek Adventures series is cleverly conceived to appeal to technologically aware dinosaur fans. Dinosaur fact collectors will be pleased that lesser known dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures are include in the story, for example Little Dragon, a Meganeura or prehistoric dragon fly. The layout is simple but attractive with black and white illustrations throughout and a dinotek spotter guide at the back of book one adding to the fun. Dinotek enthusiasts will enjoy exploring the accompanying website,