Price: £10.99
Publisher: Hodder Children's Books
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 288pp
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The Shadewell Shenanigans
Illustrator: Bob LeaThis is number three in the compellingly humorous ‘Illmoor Chronicles’ wherein the two Barbarians, Groan and Gape Teethgrit, guided by their dwarf, Gordo Battleaxe, get sent on a wild treasure chase by the revengeful, incompetent, disgraced Duke of Modeset. Princess Susti is the very unco-operative bait with a definite mind of her own.
It reads like some kind of over-the top, action-packed computer game full of many layers of wacky humour and invention and some surefire, zany one liners. In truth there is a fair dose of blood and gore and characters can come across as rather ruthless and uncaring. However, they’re all so incompetent and witless that they have some compensatory charm!
Adventure fantasy devotees will love it and eagerly look for many more chronicles to follow. Lea’s illustrations add plenty to the overall production and so the artist deserves a mention in dispatches.