Price: £7.99
Publisher: Chicken House
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 356pp
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The Spell Tailors
Illustrator: Jenny ZemanekIn an alternative version of England, called Ingle, there are great similarities to our world, but also many differences. Hen (Henryton) wants to join the family tailors, making clothes which have an element of magic sewn in to them as a spell; unfortunately, he manages to sew in a fault and is not allowed to work in the workshops. At the same time tailoring families are facing a threat from large clothing factories that say they can produce goods for a cheaper price. With the business facing ruin, Hen and his cousin Connie decide that the only way to help is to win a competitor for young tailors. However, they soon find that there are dark deeds afoot and they need to battle the evil Mrs Thackeray and the mysterious Tiberius Pepper, owner of the clothing factories. We follow the two heroes as they ride a roller coaster of danger in their attempts to save their families.
The fact that this is written by James Nicol, author of the Apprentice Witch series is enough to let you know that this is going to be a very good read. He has once again given us a magical world that we absolutely believe in and I would love to have a garment that incorporates a memory stitch, so that I could use it like a comfort blanket. The descriptions of the clothing factories really hark back to the sweatshops of the 19th century and it is a timely reminder that having improved working conditions so much, we do not want to see any lessening in standards. This is very much a story of family and what can happen when things go wrong and reminds us that reconciliation needs someone to make the first move. It is also about building strong family relationships and respecting the skills that people have, even if they are not immediately seen as important. James Nicol has not only given us a great adventure story, he has also given us a tale that makes us think and appreciate the good things we have in life, whether they are great or small.