Price: £9.99
Publisher: tionHarper Collins India Story of InventionsIt is made up of premium quality material.Anna Claybourne (Author)English (Publication Language)
Genre: Non Fiction
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 40pp
- Illustrated by: Amy Husband
The Story of Inventions
Illustrator: Amy HusbandThis non-fiction picture book is a great source of introductory information about significant inventions for young readers. It covers fifteen different discoveries which have radically changed how we live and is arranged in chronological order starting with the invention of the wheel through to the arrival of the internet. Within each of these fifteen areas, the information has been loosely arranged in its own timeline for example, within the pages detailing the invention of the wheel, the reader learns about their first use in the Bronze age and the format of the page leads the reader through the text and illustration to the Ancient Egyptians using them on chariots, to Romans building roads and adding suspension, to the tyres used on the Mars Rover.
The book will appeal to all young readers due to its nuggets of interesting information and its fun and lively illustrations. There is just enough information both written and visual to spark interest and foster an appetite to find out more.