Price: £8.99
Publisher: Walker Books
Genre: Information Book
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 304pp
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The Teenage Guide to Stress
For level-headed commonsense advice, you could not do better than to turn to Nicola Morgan, whose previous book Blame My Brain gave rise to this practical guide. In response to the many teachers and librarians who asked her to include something about stress in her talks, she dedicates this book ‘To every teenager who needs a bit of extra support, reassurance and understanding,’ adding ‘You are not alone’. The book is divided into three distinct parts, the first explaining what stress is and how it affects teenagers in particular. The second part deals with a huge range of issues that may give rise to worry, everything from social media and cyber-bullying to low self-esteem, exam pressure, sex and drugs. The third part looks as ways of dealing with the symptoms of stress with many practical strategies for ensuring healthy minds and bodies, from breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to mind exercises and visualisations. The final appendix lists resources and website addresses of organisations that can provide help and advice as well as specific treatments. Throughout the book quotes from real teenagers and adults keep it from ever feeling too abstract. Morgan writes with conviction about the science behind stress, awareness of which should help to ensure that young adults develop resilience and learn how to combat stress when they meet it in adult life. An extremely useful book, not just for teenagers but for their parents and teachers.