Price: £12.99
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Genre: Historical fiction
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 224pp
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The Unrivalled Spangles
The setting is the east end of London in the nineteenth century and the focus is on a young woman’s decision between her family’s traditional way of life, her desire to pursue quite a different career and an ill-matched love affair.
Ellen Spangle is the older daughter of circus owner, Fred Spangle. A brilliant bareback horse rider, she seems set for a promising career in the circus ring. But Ellen wants to be a teacher and her secret lessons with a tutor lead to a meeting with a wealthy young man, Edward. The tragic death of Ellen’s younger sister and partner in her act, and the subsequent illness of their father all exacerbate Ellen’s dilemma. And then there is the stalwart Joe, the son of a rival circus owner, and Ellen’s growing reliance on him.
Wallace takes a sure hand to all of this; the poverty, the mists, the smells of the east end provide a backdrop to events without overwhelming the reader. Life in the circus is also evoked in a way that is interesting and vivid and Ellen is a sympathetic heroine. Therefore, it is a pity that an immensely readable novel is flawed by an overly abrupt ending in which resolution to the dilemmas of Ellen and other characters is achieved too neatly and quickly. But do read it for its atmosphere and interesting setting.