Price: £12.99
Publisher: Walker Books
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 40pp
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The Way to the Zoo
This book is classic Burningham – simple, elegant and designed to fire the imagination of any young reader. It tells the story of Sylvie, and her exciting discovery of a door in the wall of her bedroom – a wall which apparently only she can see. Embarking on a voyage of exploration, Sylvie finds that behind the door lies a dark passage and at the end of the dark passage is a zoo.
To begin with, Sylvie just takes home one small animal at a time to fit into bed with her each night. But gradually, as more of the animals want to spend time with Sylvie, her night time visitors get bigger, smellier and noisier. Catastrophe finally happens when Sylvie forgets to shut the door one morning, and arrives home from school to find pandemonium in the lounge. She just has time to get the animals back to the zoo and attempt a clean-up before her mother arrives home.
This is an ideal book for an Early Years book box or home book shelf. Sharing is a definite must. John Burningham has been writing children’s books for over 50 years and for all fans of his enchanting stories, this one will not fail to please.