Price: £151.70
Publisher: Lantana Publishing
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 32pp
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The Wooden Camel
Illustrator: Manuela AdreaniEtabo dreams of racing camels just as his brothers do. His siblings make fun of him as he is so little, but Etabo knows he could be faster than any of them. When his father sells their flock of camels as they can no longer afford them Etabo is devastated. He prays to the Sky God for help and is told ‘Your dreams are enough.’ Etabo isn’t convinced, he tries riding chickens, cats and goats but that just isn’t the same. Meanwhile, his sister Akiru has been watching, realising how sad Etabo is she makes him a herd of wooden camels. In his imagination the toy camels come to life, and he can race them. It seems his dreams are enough after all.
Produced by Lantana publishing who specialise in culturally diverse books, this first picturebook from Kenyan filmmaker Kahiu is written sensitively and with humour. The text is complemented by Italian illustrator Adreani’s attractive illustrations which bring the Kenyan landscape and its people to life. A story about the power of imagination and hanging onto your dreams.