Price: £6.97
Publisher: Hodder Children's Books
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 32pp
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Think Big!
Illustrator: Nathan Reed‘Believe and you can achieve’ says the front cover, as Humpty Dumpty sits upon his wall, grinning confidently. A wonderful partnership between the author and illustrator is on display here in this highly humourous book. The story line itself is novel, and the illustrations go far beyond the text to make a richly portrayed tale which is surely bound for great success. All children familiar with nursery rhyme characters will love spotting each one in the pictures, each character taking turns to advise Humpty. Tom Tom the Piper’s son starts the ball rolling by asking Humpty what he wants to be when he leaves school. Humpty promptly replies, ‘A boiled egg.’ His numerous friends, sitting atop the wall on either side of him, are horrified at this response and quickly make suggestions… A hairdresser? A footballer? A musician? The friends then tell Humpty their own aspirations, ranging from scientist, (Little Miss Muffet), a builder, (Goosey Goosey Gander), train driver, traffic warden… each and every aspiration hilariously illustrated in zingy, bright colours. Incy Wincy Spider tells Humpty he should definitely not aim to be a boiled egg…. And Jack and Jill sum up everyone’s opinion by saying, ‘You might be an egg, but you should really try thinking outside the box.’ More suggestions follow… an artist (Little Boy BLUE, no less,) policeman, a doctor, a firefighter…until the Dish who ran away with the Spoon aptly announces, ‘If you truly believe in yourself and you work really hard, then you can be absolutely anything in the world that you want to be!’ Such positive thinking! ‘THINK BIG!’ says the Giant from the top of the beanstalk. ‘Aim for the stars!’ says the cow who jumped over the moon. Convinced, Humpty declares his friends are absolutely right. He will work hard at school, get a job in a space agency, start at the bottom and work his way up and up and up, and become the best astronaut in the whole wide world, no the whole wide universe! ‘good for you,’ cheers Jack be Nimble, giving Humpty a BIG pat on the back… Oh what a delicious ending is then made by Kes Gray! What do you imagine happens next, to end the tale? Readers will immediately want to turn back to the beginning and read the book again, identifying each and every character from traditional tales and rhymes in the brilliant illustrations. This book is great for encouraging positive thinking and for building self-confidence. There are lots of opportunities for youngsters to participate, in speaking, drama, art work and to spark imaginative writing…. and reading, again and again! A winner, go find it!