Price: £6.99
Publisher: Kelpies
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 136pp
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Thorfinn the Nicest Viking and the Awful Invasion
Illustrator: Richard MorganThorfinn is far too nice to be a Viking! His father, Harald the Skull-Splitter, chief of the village, despairs of him. Thorfinn prefers learning to fighting, he keeps a pet pigeon instead of a hunting hawk, and he is constantly polite and helpful. He is a mystery to the rest of the village, as Vikings are meant to fight and pillage and to have very bad manners! Thorfinn’s father decides to take him on a voyage to Scotland, expecting him to earn his place amongst the warriors and to earn his Viking name. But with Thorfinn on board things don’t go according to plan, and instead of plundering treasure, they end up with a delicious treat. Thorfinn’s cleverness wins the day, and for once the Vikings recognise that it can pay to be nice.
This is a hilarious new series from David MacPhail, and the illustrations by Richard Morgan add to the humour and enjoyment. The bonus pages with trump cards, activities and jokes are excellent to keep children engaged. An ideal chapter book for emerging readers!