Price: £18.54
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Genre: Historical fiction
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 176pp
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Three Blind Eyes
‘The house began to sound different as it emptied. Its old, cosy murmur changed to an echoing hollowness, and all its comfortable familiarity was gone.’
This well crafted, historical piece, set in Victorian London, doesn’t dwell on detail so much as it explores what happens when sudden unlucky changes occur in our lives and how we can find hitherto unregarded resources to deal with them and make better luck for ourselves.
Lucy had it all, but her father’s gambling was about to bring her genteel world to a close and send her into the dangerous, criminal milieu of London low-life and a desperate struggle for survival. Her resourcefulness and ability to take control makes an exciting and engrossing read, mainly likely to appeal to girl readers.