Price: £7.99
Publisher: Happy Yak
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 24pp
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Torla & Smorla and the Lower-than-Average Cloud
Illustrator: Chris JevonsTorla and Smorla are giraffes, one more than average taller, the other more than average smaller. This could cause a problem when they for a walk and Torla finds her head shrouded by a lower –than- average cloud. However, friends help each other whether it is by providing instructions and guidance or by producing a bigger-than-average umbrella from a larger-than-average pocket.
This is a light-hearted book with a quirky charm that can only be expected of the creator of Oi Frog. The messages are subtly presented – the friendship and trust between the two giraffes so similar but so different is obvious. Maybe there will be another story in which Torla gets to play the starring role. The style is easy and rhythmical in keeping with the theme and a delight to read – no shouting frogs or cats here. The conclusion provides a neat surprise but no moralistic finale, just an appropriate gesture for the occasion. The illustrations by Chris Jevons are equally appropriate his colour saturated palette against a pastel ground sings off the page. The two giraffes, created with such affection, walk steadily across each spread as the journey continues onto the next page –there is even a page extension as the two cross a hazardous bridge. The flaps that open vertically provide a moment of visual excitement emphasising the differences between the two giraffes and the solution to a problem. This is thoughtful and effective design that will draw the young reader into an enjoyable experienced to be shared in classroom or home.