Price: £17.99
Publisher: Skeezel Press
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 56pp
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Understanding Sam and Asperger Syndrome
Illustrator: Clarabelle von NiekerkSam has an infectious giggle and is a happy boy, but he also has some quirks that need special understanding. He doesn’t like loud noises or clothes that feel odd on his skin. His breakfast pancakes mustn’t touch, and he plays the same tune on his cello over and over. He also finds making friends difficult, and the children at school tease him until he cries – and when Sam cries, he can’t stop. A trip with his family to the Fair, where Sam rides the Ferris wheel with his dad, is such fun that Sam walks all the way back to the Fair at night on his own. After this episode, his parents realise it is time to see a doctor. After tests, it is recognised that Sam has Asperger syndrome, and the doctor explains he will need help from a proper team both at school and at home. Things get better, and when Sam plays his cello at the school concert, his talents are properly recognised. A list of ten suggestions to help friends of those with AS is given at the end of the book. Bold pictures with plenty of colour are full of humour and sympathy. This is a good, basic explanation of AS and how it affects not only the child himself, but those around him. An American production.