Price: £5.99
Publisher: Scholastic
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 240pp
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Wild Thing
Illustrator: Jamie LittlerReaders will have instant sympathy with Kate. Her sister is a total tearaway, called Wild Thing by all who know her. With her dreadfully shocking behaviour, Wild Thing wreaks havoc all around her and Kate is mortified when her sister starts school and gets up to all sorts of trouble, including blocking the infant toilets with 17 toilet rolls. Meanwhile, Kate is concerned about her dad having sacrificed his musical career, including possible fame and fortune with his former band, Monkey Magic, in order to care for Kate and her sister after their mum died, and is trying to overcome her own shyness to play in a school band. The story ends with a series of satisfying resolutions and whilst there may not be undying sibling love in the house there is certainly some warm affection. Some may be shocked by Wild Thing’s appalling antics, others may just be relived they do not know her! Readers are promised Wild Thing and Hound Dog coming soon.