Useful Organisations No.14
Young Writer (magazine) / Young Writer Audio (tape)
Glebe House, Weobley, Herefordshire HR4 8SD
Tel/fax: 01544 318901127
Triennial: January, April, September; annual subscription £7.50 inc postage.
Young Writer is a platform for stories, poems and articles by anyone aged 18 and under: young people write 60% of each issue. They also conduct the regular book reviews page and guest author interview – James Berry (January 2001), Allan Ahlberg (April) – and report on literature festivals, conferences and other events. Editor Kate Jones plans the magazine with the National Curriculum’s requirements in mind, balancing primary and secondary interests from issue to issue. However, Young Writer is first and foremost for and by young writers themselves. The full-colour magazine is jam-packed with poems and stories, ideas, information and competitions (many sponsored by publishers) and carries no advertisements. It is presented with vivid, unusual graphics and a change of pace on every page. Young Writer Audio, the taped sister publication, is specially devised for blind, visually impaired, dyslexic and dyspraxic writers – anyone who has difficulties with the printed word. It employs a radio magazine format with a range of young voices, fast-paced slots intercut with music, and sound effects. Teachers and librarians praise both the magazines and tapes for the way they stimulate discussion and inspire new work and approaches.