Useful Organisations No.15
Action for Children’s Arts
Organisation to support and increase children’s arts activity around UK
240 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London SW19 1SB
Fax: 020 8545 8365
Annual subscription: sliding scale, from £15 for individuals up to £40 for LEAs and major arts companies
ACA promotes, develops and celebrates all the creative and performing arts for and with children. We want access to the arts for all children because we believe in the importance of the arts in personal fulfilment and in nurturing creativity. We aim to secure better funding and a wider understanding of the value of children’s arts. To achieve this we share ideas and best practice across all art forms with fellow professionals. We provide information and help by networking through a newsletter available in print and through e-mail, through a well-tended website and at an inspiring annual conference. We lobby decision makers and the media, and involve teachers and parents in action to develop and widen children’s access to the arts. We plan showcase events and awards to increase the visibility of children’s arts. We advise teachers, librarians and others on how to create successful arts events; we also encourage organisers of successful events to share their ideas and experience. ACA needs the support and energy of people who share our commitment to children’s arts – we look forward to hearing from you.