This article is in the Useful Organisations Category
Useful Organisations No.36
The School Library Association (SLA)
The School Library Association (SLA) is an independent organisation and registered charity, founded in 1937, committed to the promotion and development of libraries and information literacy in schools. It supports and encourages everyone working in school libraries by offering advice and guidance, newsletters and information bulletins to keep members up to date with the school library world. Through its regional training programme, annual weekend course and SLA branches it provides opportunities to share good practice and network with colleagues across the UK, Europe and beyond drawing members from all the school library sectors.
The publications programme is designed to provide step by step advice and a wealth of ideas for staff tackling the issues raised when running a Library Resource Centre (LRC). The School Librarian, its quarterly journal, provides reviews and articles on issues relevant to the school library sector.
The SLA advocates that school libraries and information literacy are central to effective teaching and learning and should be placed at the heart of the curriculum. To help raise the profile of school libraries it campaigns at regional and national levels to ensure that there is appropriate provision for school libraries and school library services. It works collaboratively with key stakeholders to achieve this, for example in the drafting, distribution and promotion of the booklet ‘School Libraries making a Difference’. In 2004 the SLA launched an award for a member of staff working in a school library. The SLA School Librarian of the Year will recognise the contribution and impact school library staff have upon a learner’s experience of teaching and learning. The Honours List and overall winner will be announced in 2005.