Price: £10.99
Publisher: Andersen
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 32pp
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Mine's Bigger than Yours!
Illustrator: Adrian ReynoldsA catchy, repetitive series of demands drives this narrative forward, gripping our attention from the start. We want to know how Little Hairy Monster is going to outwit Scary Monster, plucky little character that she is to stand up to such a big bully and refuse to give up her lollipop in spite of his threats:
‘My feet are bigger than yours! Give me your lollipop or I’ll kick you!’ or ‘My tail is bigger than yours! Give me your lollipop or I’ll trip you!’
Little Hairy Monster has an assertive manner about her and confidently steps out of the way, skips over Scary Monster’s tail, climbs up a tree or runs off to hide in a cave rather than let herself be intimidated. When Scary Monster finally sniffs her out in the cave (his nose is bigger than hers) and threatens to eat her, she stands up to him. He’s got her in a corner but to the last her response is bold: ‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you… my mum is bigger than your mum!’ The end is satisfying and reassuring: motherly protection to the rescue just when you need it. Wonderfully illustrated in bold, warm colours in a manner that matches the text well.