Price: £6.99
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 14+ Secondary/Adult
Length: 176pp
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Never Ever
Should the sins of the father be visited on his children? When Erin’s father is declared bankrupt the family are forced to move from their comfortable middle-class home to a run-down council estate. Erin has trouble adjusting to her new circumstances but Liam Droy is keen to help her settle in. Erin’s old friends are supportive and her parents, though realistically flawed, are warm and compassionate. Erin continues to regret the loss of her former lifestyle but she gradually comes to appreciate the new dimension added by her increased social circle.
Pielichaty has written a witty and entertaining story of changing fortunes which avoids taking a simplistic moral stance. She has an excellent ear for teenage vernacular and captures the witty repartee common amongst close friends. Dual narration provides insight into Liam and Erin’s developing romance and their maturation.