Price: £7.99
Publisher: Farshore
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 256pp
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Race to Imagination Island
Illustrator: Alessandro D’UrsoReading doesn’t come much more pleasurable than on this race to a place where, whatever you imagine, it comes to life. Naturally, children are the best people to be in charge, and when the time comes to appoint four new Protectors of Imagination Island, the competition is fierce as you’d expect. Luca would seem a perfect candidate – his imagination is boundless, there’s nothing he loves more than dreaming up fabulous creatures and adventures in his head. But he’s also shy and horribly anxious. When, of course, he finds himself amongst the competitors, despite his best efforts, and on Imagination Island itself, the stage is set for a helter-skelter adventure in which Luca is forced to do things he’d never thought he could (skateboard) and making a whole new set of friends, something else he’s always found difficult.
The delights of this story are that readers never know what it is around the corner, and in watching Luca surprise himself at the things he’s capable of doing. Fast-paced, funny and full of invention, this is a book children will read and then play out at breaktime or with their friends.