Price: £6.99
Publisher: Templar Publishing
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 32pp
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Templar have played a major role in raising all-round production standards in children’s picture books in recent years. Slam! is another visual treat from them and a brave excursion into the world of visual text, where words appear only as minor ‘sound effects’ to accompany a demanding but entertaining visual experience. Artist Adam Stower’s first book is rooted in that peculiarly British tradition of comic draughtsmanship that flows through the likes of William Heath Robinson, Frank Reynolds, Gavin Laidler (‘Pont’) and Chris Riddell. We follow the oblivious journey of a small boy through the surreal mayhem that escalates around him while his senses are occupied by personal audio system and a comic. The theatrical slapstick is nicely described in ink and wash, and provides a wealth of humorous detail for the eye to linger on and enjoy. Stower’s cast of thousands expands from local passers-by into sewer-inhabiting monsters, gremlins, aliens and Victorian circus performers as the chaos builds. Cleverly considered compositions pull the reader anxiously from left to right through the developing narrative. This book is great fun.